As the little rabbit rabbit heralds in the new month, a few people with the goal of having fun and making healthy eating choices have endeavored to embark on a new challenge. The goal: eat a different fruit or vegetable every day for the 62 days of July and August.
I'll be leading the challenge with some suggestions and ideas. Each day participants should eat their fruit or vegetable of the day and claim it on their list. Eating the same fruit or vegetable on any other day doesn't negate it from being included on the list, but each fruit/vegetable can only be claimed once during the challenge. Ideas and suggestions will be sent out a few days before a week begins and are provided to keep things fun; missing a day or a suggestion shouldn't discourage participants from continuing with the challenge.
Weeks begin as weeks should begin: every Sunday. As the challenge begins on Friday, days one and two are kickoff days with the following suggestions:
a. fruit with breakfast
b. Share a veggie dish with a friend.
Week 1 ideas/suggestions:
1a. Buy and eat local produce. Visit a farmers market or a fruit stand.
1b. a red fruit/veg
1c. a fruit or vegetable that has pointy things on it
1d. a melon
1e. a fruit/veg you haven't had in at least a month
1f. a creative salad
1g. Share a pie with a friend.
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