Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 11 of 62: My Fruit/Veg of the Day is Kale

Kale is a vegetable that survives in the wild by looking like something you don't want to eat. Even when it's removed from the ground and relocated to the supermarket, it still looks like something that you don't want to eat. Somehow my kale made it all the way to a restaurant that actually lets you look at your food before you eat it. It still managed to make it on my plate and into my stomach. I blame this fluke in odds on the very fact that I'm intentionally trying to eat different fruits and vegetables. So despite it's unappetizing appearance, it ended up on my plate because someone else had already done the work of cooking it for me and because it fit well into my plans of eating outside of my comfort zone. Then something odd happened, my wife ordered kale as well. I don't know what her excuse was but as with most foods that she orders, she ate what she wanted and saved the rest for me.

The nice thing was the kale was well-prepared and had a nice flavor to it. It seems to have been lightly sauteed in oil and rice vinegar. This helped overcome the slightly bitter flavor of the kale and even though it was cooked, it wasn't cooked to death. There was still plenty of crunch to it and it took a lot of chewing for each bite.I was pleasantly surprised and I'd enjoy eating kale again if it's prepared like this.

As far as nutritional value, kale is a superfood. While it grows in the ground snubbed and ignored for it's ugly look, it grows in nutrients while other plants get killed and eaten before they can get so many nutrients. In fact, it has so many nutrients that I can't talk about them all without plagerizing someone else. Here is a link for a good article about the nutritional value of kale on WebMD:

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