Why have I never bought one of these bright yellow melons before? The canary melon also known as Juan Canary melon is a bright yellow melon that is slightly larger than honeydew and cantaloupe with a bright yellow "canary" skin.
I've had the melon sitting around for about a week because when I saw it I knew it would fit into my challenge of eating different fruits and veggies. If you can't tell from my opening line, I was clearly not disappointed with this melon.
I cut it in half and then into slices like a cantaloupe and then proceeded to eat all but two of the slices, and that's only because I decided to throw them away because the fruit on those pieces didn't look good. The parts I threw away sort of had a honeycomb look as if it had become dehydrated in that spot or something. The rest of the fruit was simply delectable. The inside looked like honeydew with a slightly darker color and the seeds just about slid off when I scraped them. The texture was incredible as the sweet fruit just about melted in my mouth. The flavor wasn't unlike cantaloupe but it was a bit sweeter.
The best news is this is early in the season and I might have a chance to eat a few more of them before they go away. They are also grown in the southern hemisphere so they might be a reminder of summer when we freeze over for the winter in Michigan.
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